Big News

Big News

I woke up on this Monday morning with two words on my mind: Holy. Crap. First of all, it’s dumping snow outside despite being 75 degrees yesterday (and I’m not mad about it). Secondly, tomorrow is my 37th birthday (um, what?)… And lastly, my head is spinning from a whirlwind weekend that kicked off with my last day of work on Friday, which hasn’t even begun to sink in yet. From work, I rushed to catch a 4pm flight to San Diego to meet up with Charlie for his best friend’s wedding weekend. I arrived late to the rehearsal dinner and made an awkward entrance to a room full of silent stares, just as the groom was beginning his toast (sorry, Jason).

The next morning I had a little time to collect myself on a walk along La Jolla Shores beach. Charlie made fun of me for asking if I should wear sunscreen. “It’s 8 in the morning,” he smirked. “This is SoCal.” I put some on anyway. One too many Florida beach sunburns has taught me to take no chances. Afterwards, we met up with couple friends for brunch at a sunny, open-air spot with surf-boards in the rafters and succulents climbing the walls. Then, it was wedding-prep time for best-man Charlie, and I got to watch LSU beat Bama.

La Jolla brunch with friends

I’d never been to beach wedding before, at sunset no less. It was so enchanting it made me wonder why anyone would ever get married indoors. The laid back vibe, the bride’s loose curls blowing in the breeze, the sound of the surf and distant seagulls, the orange sun sinking behind the ocean against a hot pink sky… it was paradise. Not to mention my hunk of a boyfriend with sun-kissed cheeks in a new suit, up there doing his best-man thing.

The reception was one of my favorites, which is interesting considering I barely knew anyone and Charlie was tied up with wedding-party duties. To be honest, I was a little nervous going in to it. Charlie had so many close friends there and I knew I’d be meeting them all at once, basically while he was busy. It couldn’t have mattered less. They welcomed me in so warmly it was like I already knew them. We ate, we drank, we danced, and Charlie crushed his best-man speech. I left feeling like I’d made real connections. It was a total blast.

beach wedding at sunset

Yesterday we woke up early, without too much of a hangover, and caught our flight back to Denver. We were home in time for our Sunday night ritual: 60 Minutes, big salads, and Sunday night football on the couch. Sunday nights are our favorite, and this one was especially meaningful. Not only did our bestie, Phil, come watch the Cowboys with us, but it was the last one we’ll have for a while. For five months to be exact.

This coming Friday, Charlie and I are departing for Lima, Peru with nothing but backpacks, beginner Spanish skills, some brand new trail shoes, our open-minds and adventurous spirits. Our place is up for rent, I’m on leave from work, and tomorrow is our going-away/ my birthday party. We are going for it; the adventure of a lifetime.

Charlie and I have kicked around the idea of a big trip ever since things got serious with us. We tested our travel legs together last year on a ten day trip to Ecuador and loved South America’s cloud forests, jungle waterfall hikes, exotic birds and flowers, and the guinea pigs roasting on spits (just kidding). We also both liked the idea of speaking Spanish, and taking advantage of Charlie’s work flexibility. An extended trip sounded like a fun, hypothetical idea for another day.

hiking in Ecuador’s jungle up the Tungurahua volcano

Then this summer, it happened. I was suddenly overcome with an intense desire for a dog, seemingly out of nowhere. Since losing my sweet Tucker two years ago, my heart has been closed. The idea of loving another pup has only stirred up pain rather than excitement. The shift in my feelings hit me hard and I started researching dog shelters where I could volunteer. Charlie saw what was happening and had to act fast. “If we get a dog now, ” he said, “that means we’re not doing our trip.” Without hesitation I said, “Well, let’s do it.” And that was that.

It’s crazy to think that by this time next week, I’ll be in Peru surrounded by unfamiliarity and totally out of my comfort zone. But that’s exactly why I want to do it. The best things in my life have come from stepping in to the unknown. I’ve learned that’s when magic happens, and this time I get to do it with my partner. I’m going with no expectations, other than knowing there will be challenges and we’ll get through them. I know there will be amazing moments too, and we’ll both be forever changed by this adventure.

I plan to write as much as I can, and I hope you’ll follow along with us here.

Adiós, mis amigos!

cloud forest in Mindo, Ecuador

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