
Hi, I’m Ashley.

I am a mountain lover, outdoor enthusiast, nature admirer and wellness seeker living in Denver, Colorado. I moved here in 2016 because living in the mountains was a dream of mine since childhood and Colorado seemed like the most fitting place for me to be. My soul has felt at home ever since. It’s been yet another lesson in my life of listening to my inner voice and following its guidance. Doing so has always led me to the next right thing. Denver is where I met Charlie, my lifetime adventure partner, and where we found Minca, our freckled-nose rescue pup. Our family of three grew to four in February of 2022 when we welcomed our baby girl, Cora.

Christmas Eve in Peru, Dec 2019
5 month-old baby Minca, adopted May 2020
Cora Gail, 8 months old, Oct 2022

On the blog

You’ll find travel and life stories as Charlie and I do our best to get out and explore the world, along with some wellness posts on my favorite topics as a Registered Dietitian. You can also expect plenty of new mama stories as I begin this new journey of raising a daughter.

Right before the pandemic, Charlie and I spent 5 months in South America exploring, trekking to Machu Picchu, learning Spanish and searching for the best empanadas. You’ll find stories from our adventures here on the blog, including this post on backpacking as a couple, and this one on our government evacuation.

What’s whole-hearted living?

I believe it’s the root of being truly well; a way of living I’ve far from mastered, but strive for every day. It’s valuing self-awareness over needing answers or control. It’s taking time when we need to heal but staying open to life, to others and ourselves. It’s practicing self-kindness and getting centered when we feel stuck. And, it’s seeking connection with our inner voice and following its guidance. Learning to hear and trust mine changed the direction of my life and awakened a desire to find the truest version of myself. I’ve come a long way from where I started and there’s nothing I’d rather share more.

Thanks for checking out my blog 🙂

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