Me as a Mom

Me as a Mom

Of all the cautionary tales I ingested over the years about what women trade for a baby – career advancement, a clean and tidy house, good sleep, impromptu date nights, slobber-free clothes, muscle tone, mental clarity and focus – it was the loss of time…

The Trouble with Joy

The Trouble with Joy

It’s been eighteen weeks since I felt the foreign twinge in my lower abdomen while driving to the store on my lunch break. As I shifted in my seat to get more comfortable, I felt it again, and my mind jumped in to overdrive. Within…

Thoughts on Black Lives Matter

Thoughts on Black Lives Matter

I’ve been stalling on this post for several reasons. Not only is it a sharp contrast to my previous posts on travel, it’s a heavy topic. I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing, of putting myself out there, and most especially of rocking the boat…

Blog Writing

Blog Writing

I write almost every day, which is not something you can tell by this blog so far. I’ve written four posts in the past year since I started it, and I certainly didn’t advertise them. This is actually the fourth blog I’ve tried to start…