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Tourist Visas and Spanish Tests

Tourist Visas and Spanish Tests

And just like that, the first leg of our South American journey is coming to a close. I’m trying not to be too sentimental about it – I know there’s a lot of trip left – but I don’t like the idea of any of…

Eating Our Way Through Lima

Eating Our Way Through Lima

I need to fess up. While the past three weeks in Lima have been a hectic roller coaster – immersing ourselves in a new language, finding our footing in a city of 10.5 million, etc. – I’ve been holding out on sharing a major piece…

Week 2: Finding Our Groove

Week 2: Finding Our Groove

I’m happy to report, things are looking up at Spanish school. I only say that because a new batch of students arrived on Monday, which means I’m not the worst Spanish speaker anymore. I know, the ego is a terrible thing. It’s easy to spot…

Our First Week in Lima

Our First Week in Lima

We are one week in and my list of favorite things in Lima is growing. Number one is the district we chose to call home, Barranco. It’s considered the city’s most romantic and bohemian neighborhood. Judging by the young couples making out on every motorcycle,…

The Unknown

The Unknown

Our bags are packed, the refrigerator is empty and Charlie’s head is freshly shaved. We’ve been vaccinated for typhoid, had our dental cleanings (and one filling – that would be me) and filled our prescriptions for malaria, traveler’s tummy, and migraines. Our picture frames, books…

Big News

Big News

I woke up on this Monday morning with two words on my mind: Holy. Crap. First of all, it’s dumping snow outside despite being 75 degrees yesterday (and I’m not mad about it). Secondly, tomorrow is my 37th birthday (um, what?)… And lastly, my head…

Blog Writing

Blog Writing

I write almost every day, which is not something you can tell by this blog so far. I’ve written four posts in the past year since I started it, and I certainly didn’t advertise them. This is actually the fourth blog I’ve tried to start…

Coconut Carrot Cashew Bites

Coconut Carrot Cashew Bites

I think it’s time we give energy bites the respect they deserve and just make these guys a food group. Who’s with me? Just think about all the ways they add to our lives. Need to grab a quick snack? Done. A cure for an…

The Perfect Vegan Alfredo

The Perfect Vegan Alfredo

If you’re looking for a plant-based, dairy-free, knock your socks off creamy pasta sauce with only 6 ingredients, you can stop now. You’ve arrived, welcome. There are few things in life I love more than creamy pasta. It’s just so incredibly satisfying. But it can…

Gluten-Free Pancakes, and Why I Avoid the G Word

Gluten-Free Pancakes, and Why I Avoid the G Word

There’s no big secret to making the best gluten-free pancakes; just substitute a gluten-free flour (like Bobs All Purpose Baking Flour) for wheat flour and you’re good to go. There are tons of options for avoiding gluten (almond, oat, buckwheat, sorghum, amaranth), but I like…

How to Survive a Month of No Sugar

How to Survive a Month of No Sugar

I’ll cut to the chase: the best way I’ve found to stick to the no-sugar rule is to adopt a low-sugar rule. So practically speaking, I don’t throw out my peanut butter with 2 grams of sugar, but I do restrain myself from re-stocking my…