Tag: barranco

Eating Our Way Through Lima

Eating Our Way Through Lima

I need to fess up. While the past three weeks in Lima have been a hectic roller coaster – immersing ourselves in a new language, finding our footing in a city of 10.5 million, etc. – I’ve been holding out on sharing a major piece…

Week 2: Finding Our Groove

Week 2: Finding Our Groove

I’m happy to report, things are looking up at Spanish school. I only say that because a new batch of students arrived on Monday, which means I’m not the worst Spanish speaker anymore. I know, the ego is a terrible thing. It’s easy to spot…

Our First Week in Lima

Our First Week in Lima

We are one week in and my list of favorite things in Lima is growing. Number one is the district we chose to call home, Barranco. It’s considered the city’s most romantic and bohemian neighborhood. Judging by the young couples making out on every motorcycle,…